
Say hello to a pristine fully protected browsing experience
With SafetySphere, your phone transforms into a fortress of protection, ensuring that your digital journey remains safe and uninterrupted.

Rest easy knowing that your privacy is safeguarded, and your device is shielded from intrusive elements. Embrace the simplicity and security of SafetySphere today


Tired of ads disrupting your browsing?

SafetySphere - your trusted ally in the fight against online nuisances and dangers. With SafetySphere, enjoy a serene online environment, free from distractions and potential security risks. Now your phone is fully fortified against intrusive content, providing you with peace of mind as you navigate the digital realm

Take control of your online experience with SafetySphere and explore the web with confidence

We understand the importance of your privacy

That's why SafetySphere operates entirely on your device, without compromising your personal information. No data is sent to external servers, ensuring that your sensitive details are safeguarded.

Discover SafetySphere, your personal shield against online clutter and security threats

Download SafetySphere today and discover the peace of mind that comes with reclaiming control over your phone

All subscription plans are being offered with 3-days free trial so you could make sure that fits your needs. See subscription information for more details.
After you fall in love with our app, you'll need a subscription from then-on, but it's a bargain for the peace of mind and peace and quiet.
Once your free trial ends, your subscription will automatically renew.
Cancel at any time